March 29, 2013

Pond Life Post and Go Machine issues

Type 3a Hytech

Type 2 Wincor

Here are the Pond Life 1 stamps that you're more likely to encounter than the Royal Mail Presentation Pack variety. 

£154 for two complete sets of each machine type is really a bit much, though. Not that I'm blaming anyone except myself - I really don't need to have every design in every denomination. So I shall reduce my order for whatever comes next to a more modest six designs featuring each different value. I really don't care which is 1st and which is 1st Large. Those sets would have cost me a more manageable £31.50. So that's a surplus 10 sets for my future shop! By the time I actually get round to selling anything the prices might have gone up which might make it all worthwhile after all.

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